Providing business services in GDPR Consultancy, GDPR e-learning, Data Protection Officer, EU Representative and GDPR Toolkit for Business.
Focussing on practical data protection solutions for businesses, cutting through the scare tactics, the overly complicated and instead offering real solutions that you can integrate within your business. The MDdm team are an Irish based company with twenty plus years’ experience in digital marketing, data privacy and data protection. The data protection team includes lawyers, marketeers and business entrepreneurs, who are all experts in their fields, with national and international experience.
The data protections laws are here to stay, embrace them, in a user-friendly way, for both your employees and clients benefit. Don’t pay for policies & procedures that no one ever looks at or understands. Integrate privacy as a business strategy to maintain and increase brand trust and loyalty.
Outsource your DPO role to the team of experts and qualified Data Protection Officers, they will provide the proactive service your organisation needs.
Email: privacy@mddm.ie
Tel: +353 086-723-9898
Website: gdprdataprotection.ie