Wexford Chamber and Spiritual Earth hosted a midsummer celebration of the second United Nations International Day of Yoga on Tuesday June 21st in the Ferrycarrig Hotel, Wexford, from 10am – 12:30pm.
The event was very well attended with more than 150 participants. This pioneering program came from discussions between Madeleine Quirke, CEO of Wexford Chamber and Calodagh McCumiskey of Spiritual Earth. Both have benefited from yoga over the years and have first-hand experience of how practicing yoga can make your mind strong, balanced and flexible so that you can focus, find solutions to problems and perform better in work and life. Ultimately it can boost creativity and improve the bottom line in your business in terms of improving the wellbeing of your greatest asset, your staff.
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The event was opened by Madeline who read a letter from President Higgins celebrating the event and International Day of Yoga. Her Excellency Smt Radhika Lal Lokesh, Ambassador of India to Ireland spoke and read out a very encouraging and congratulatory message from the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This was the Ambassador’s first visit to Wexford town and she enjoyed visiting Wells House and Gardens, the Irish National Heritage Park, Johnstown Castle and Selskar Abbey. She and her husband were guests at a dinner held in her honour at Greenacres.
The letters from President Higgins and Prime Minister Narendra Modi and comments from the Indian Ambassador herself really set the tone for a fantastic event which brought together a diverse group including representatives from the corporate community, small business owners, entrepreneurs, school children, health and social care staff and students and staff from the County Wexford Community Workshop in Enniscorthy.
Karl Fitzpatrick, President of Wexford Chamber said “A strong mind is critical for business success. By practising yoga, business owners have an opportunity to develop a clarity of thought which will greatly aid their decision making and problem solving capabilities.”
“Wexford Chamber was delighted to partner Spiritual Earth on this occasion” said Madeleine Quirke, CEO Wexford Chamber. “It was certainly a first for the Chamber in terms of promoting the practice of yoga to our Members and to the wider business community. So many of us do not allow ourselves adequate ‘me’ time and this event has reminded us that we do need to facilitate a little peace and quiet in our daily lives. The science and philosophy of yoga and practices of breathing, relaxation and posture is a wonderful conduit for improving wellbeing in the workplace. It is a workout for both our mind and our body that empowers us to create what we want out of life, not what we don’t want” said Madeleine.
Sandra Farrell nursing home owner and former mayor of Nenagh gave a very powerful account of how Japa Yoga has helped her in her personal and business life. Tracy Piggott, RTE Sports Commentator, touched everyone by sharing her personal story and read a beautiful poem about her daughter towards the end of her presentation. Tim Greig from BNY Mellon spoke of the broad range of wellbeing programmes they offer their staff. Linda O’Grady of Sadhana Yoga led a yoga session and Calodagh of Spiritual Earth, co-organiser of the event lead a session in breathing and relaxation practises.
Tracy Piggot said “I think today, for me, really epitomised what Yoga is all about. That sense of unity was palpable among everybody who attended. Each speaker offered something unique and fascinating about Yoga. I came away inspired and humbled by the experience”.
The science of yoga involves not only the practice of proper exercise but also breathing, diet, relaxation, positive thinking and meditation all of which empower us to create a life of health, happiness and success. The event showed how different aspects of the science of yoga can benefit everyone.
For more information contact Claire O’Rourke at Wexford Chamber by emailing claireorourke@wexfordchamber.ie or phone 053 91 22226 or contact Spiritual Earth / Calodagh at 087 1335230.