Back to Grá

Back to Grá is a new business in the County of Wexford, owned and operated by the innovative entrepreneur Daniel Baillieul.  As the name suggests, ‘Back to Grá’, (Grá being the Irish word for love), the mission of his business is to help people experience more Love, Kindness, Compassion and Wellness in their life.  With his broad and varied skill set, Daniel is equipped to support you with this intention Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.

Daniel has two ways to bring more Love, Peace and Wellness into your Physical and Mental body. Firstly, Daniel has weekly Hatha Yoga classes which are currently running in Duncannon Community Centre (Tuesday mornings &; Wednesday evenings), Our Lady’s Island Community Centre (Friday mornings) and Valhalla Muay Thai Gym, Wexford town (Sunday evenings).  These range from Beginner level and Intermediate all the way to Warrior!  Giving you the option to join at a level suitable for your needs and fitness goals. Secondly, Daniel is open for Holistic and Hot Stone massages. Daniel is open to house calls so he can bring the massage to you at a time of your convenience.

When it comes to bringing more Love and Wellness to the Mental Body, Daniel’s Life Coaching skills are exactly what you need.  Daniel’s natural warm energy will allow you to feel comfortable and relaxed enough to open up from the onset.  His innate ability to see deeper into the issue and ask provocative questions to challenge you and highlight potential blind spots will help you overcome your hurdles whether professional or personal in nature.  His curiosity will assist you to find your own action plan and how to hold yourself accountable while being Kind and Compassionate to yourself.  If what you need is support, Spiritually or Emotionally, Daniel is an initiated “Chakaruna” (meaning light bridge from the higher dimensions to this one) in the Andean Shamanic traditions in which he is trained.

He is also qualified and initiated in different healing modalities such as I.E.T. (Integrated energy therapy), Belvaspata (Healing of the Heart) and most recently Rahanni (Of the One Heart).  The common thread between the various healing modalities is that negative emotions or traumatic experiences can become stuck in the physical body creating blockages of energy flow – Physically, emotionally, mentally, or Spiritually.  These can be unsafe, or difficult for us to release alone without proper guidance. Symptoms that are associated with these blockages can manifest as depression, anxiety, addictive tendencies/escapism, low energy, lack of confidence or motivation or a feeling of ‘cold/stuck’ in some area in life.

Daniel has spent the past number of years building himself up Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.  Refining his diet and exercise routines, engaging in challenging transformational coaching and mentoring, taking part in positive parenting programmes, learning communication skills and emotional intelligence, developing a spiritual practice that he integrates into his own life, and continuously working to better himself and therefore his family/future relationships either personal or professional.  Now Strong, Grounded and Consistent in all these areas while continuously developing skills and learnings to pass forward, Daniel has commandeered the title of Wellness Mentor.

Although he is open for business to help and support anyone who can benefit from his work and potentially create individual programmes to suit their needs/situation, it would bring Daniel great joy to bring together groups of Men initially that are completely feeling ‘stuck’ in any of these areas in life (in work, at home, with their partner or children), know they aren’t living up to their potential or generally unhappy in their current experience and have trouble communicating on any level, and bring them on a transformational journey to educate, motivate, inspire and encourage them to be the best version of themselves and most importantly remember/rediscover the importance of brotherhood for Men.


To find out more about Daniel’s services or ask any questions you can email him at,

Call or message him on WhatsApp via +353 83 06 99 415

Follow and message Daniel on Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook.
