Providing Day Care facilities for senior citizens & people with limited mobility or mental/physical disabilities.
Services include providing hot meals (on site & meals on wheels), companionship, activities (e.g. social evenings, yoga, horticulture) medical assistance (e.g. physiotherapy, chiropody, nurse) and support, the objective is to keep people in their own homes for as long as is possible without isolation and to help them have an enjoyable, happy & healthy retirement.
- Housing
- Meals on Wheels
- Physiotherapy
- Nurse
- Chiropodist
- Laundry
- Transport
- Caretaker
- Activities Coordinator
- Carers
Address: Grantstown, Wellingtonbridge, Co. Wexford, Y35 D4C4
Website: grantstowncommunityvillage.ie
Phone: 051 561016
Fax: 051 560923
Email: info@grantstowncommunityvillage.ie