A visit to the Irish National Heritage Park is like no other you can imagine. Surprises await around every turn as you explore 35 acres of this remarkable heritage trail. From the pre-historic campsite to the Medieval Ringfort, from mill to Fulacht Fiadh, from Crannog to Viking house, every activity is an unexpected adventure into 9,000 years.
The open air history museum, the largest archaeology park in Ireland is hugely popular amongst tourists, schools and history lovers, as it contains accurate reconstructions of historic structures, camp sites and buildings – all of which range from prehistoric times to the arrival of the Normans in the 1100s.
- Heritage experiences
- Guided tours
- Restaurant & Cafe
- School tours
Address: The Irish National Heritage Park, Ferrycarrig, Co. Wexford, Y35 X313
Website: www.irishheritsge.ie
Phone: 053-9120733