Action Plan for Jobs 2013 Needs to Set More Challenging Targets

Action Plan for Jobs 2013 Needs to Set More Challenging Targets


Wexford Chamber has today  said that the Action Plan for Jobs 2013 needs to set more challenging targets for job creation if we are to tackle unemployment seriously in this country.


Speaking this morning, Madaleine Quirke,  Chief Executive of wexford Chamber said “While most of the measures set out as part of the Action Plan for Jobs 2012 have been completed, this week’s latest unemployment figures of 14.6% show that the 2013 plan needs to set and implement more challenging targets. Unemployment has remained over 14% for the last two years and any measures to support job creation will only have a real effect if we begin to see this number falling.”


“Towards the end of 2012 Chambers Ireland addressed the Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation outlining a full range of measures needed to stimulate meaningful and sustainable job creation. These included:


·         Wage-setting mechanisms should be more flexible;

·         Local Government reform must help local economies by containing costs;

·         A range of recommendations to be introduced for SMEs and entrepreneurs; and

·         A recognition that changes in taxation must be sympathetic to the needs of the business community.


It is vitally important that Government builds on the progress made in 2012 to produce outcomes which support employment and create new job opportunities. This, in turn, will benefit everyone in Irish society,” She concluded.


A more detailed version of Chamber Ireland’s recommendations for the Action Plan for Jobs 2013 can be accessed here.