Date: Thursday 6th September 2018
Time: Registration 8.30 am (tea/coffee & light refreshments provided)
Presentation: 9 am – 10 am includes Q&A
Cost: FREE Chamber Members; €15 Non Chamber Members
Venue: Wexford Chamber, Hill Street, Wexford
The PAYE Modernisation Project will involve the most significant reform of the PAYE system since its introduction in 1960. Employers will be required to accurately calculate and report their employees pay and deductions as they are being paid.
The move to Real Time Reporting (RTR) under Revenue’s PAYE modernisation regime is fast approaching!
The new regime will be operational for all employee payments being made from 1st January 2019.
At this practical Revenue presentation, PAYE Specialists will share their expertise on:
- what to expect from 1 January 2019;
- areas of concern for many employers;
- Revenue interventions;
- penalties; and
- how employers can ensure they are prepared.
This briefing is aimed at:
- Employers
- HR Managers
- Payroll Administrators
Join Wexford Chamber for an informative morning with PAYE Specialist Carmel Fortune from the Office of the Revenue Commissioners.
Have you questions? Have them at the ready for the Q&A session!
Registration is essential as places are limited.
RSVP: Email denisefarrell@wexfordchamber.ie or contact Wexford Chamber
on 053 9122226.