- ELG Awards 2018
The deadline for applications to the Excellence in Local Government Awards 2018 is this Thursday, the 17th of May at 12pm.
The ELG Awards 2018 showcase best practice in local government and recognise the skills, hard work, innovation & enthusiasm within local government that can often go unrecognised.
This year’s awards will feature a new category,
‘Outstanding initiative through the Municipal Districts’.
This award seeks to recognise the impact of initiatives that maximise the contribution of the municipal district members to local authority effectiveness, particularly in terms of governance, local representation, conduct of council business, community engagement, and economic, social and local development generally.
Spread the word through your newsletters, website and social media and encourage your local county and city councils to submit their best practices for the awards.
Click HERE to submit your application and for further information on this year’s awards.
- European Parliament of Enterprises 2018
The European Parliament of Enterprises (EPE), hosted by Eurochambres every two years, is scheduled to take place in the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday, the 10th of October 2018.
More information on the event will be circulated in the coming months.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact emma.kerins@chambers.ie.
Every day, your employees handle personal data and are the cause of 80% of data breaches.
Chambers Ireland have now partnered with Olive Media (GDPRcourse.com) to bring to you an easy and cost-effective solution to your compliance challenge.
The course outlines the steps needed in order to ensure your business is in compliance with the regulations.
- GDPR Staff Awareness online training. (Click this link for a course demo)
(Certified by HFW, Accredited by Insurance Institute, Certified by AoFAQ qualifications)
Aimed at all staff. This will give each staff member an understanding of GDPR, thereby substantially reducing potential data breaches.
This course can be taken on a PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone which is in turn will be managed by your own online regulatory management system Academy HQ. Click on this link to see how this regulatory management system operates.
Course cost is €35 per person
- GDPR Implementation Practitioners course (Certified by AoFAQ qualifications)
This is a 3-hour classroom-based course where it will be demonstrated how to implement GDPR within your organisation using a number of specific implementation tools. The course will focus on;
Record of Processing:
This will teach participants how to carry out a data inventory, to learn where data is collected, stored and accessed within the organisation and the lawful basis for doing so.
DPIA Lite/ Risk register:
This tool will teach participants to evaluate the risks of different processes carried out by their organisation and prioritize the ones that pose the greatest compliance risks under GDPR.
Policy and Procedures:
This will focus on what should be included in privacy policies and organisations procedures in relation to the handling of personal data. Templates will be supplied to aid in this task.
Case Study:
A case study will be carried out based on a dummy organisation that will look to use the previous three learning points of the course to run a mini GDPR project.
GDPR Implementation tools given:
These include
o Policies templates
o RMS (Regulatory Management system)
o Record of processing template
o Risk Register template.
o Virtual DPO assistant
This is a FREE training course to all members who purchase the online GDPR Staff Awareness training
To begin your GDPR compliance solution please just simply clink on this link which will take you to a registration and payment page.
You will then be sent a link to begin your training.
You can also offer this service to your members and Chambers will receive an 8% commission on every member’s employee that uses the training. Chambers will have their own system to track the usage by members, illustrated in the link above. Please let me know that you will be making this service available to members and we can talk you through the service.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact james.kiernan@chambers.ie
- LGiU Briefing Series on Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government Awards Winners – Cork City Council’s Hollyhill Library Services for children with autism
The Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) is publishing a series of briefings looking at the winners of the Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Governance (ELG) Awards from 2017. The LGiU will showcase each of the best in practice projects that won at our Awards in 2017 over the coming weeks.
- Labour Party ‘A New Republic’ project – 18 May 2018
The Labour Party recently launched ‘A New Republic’, a project to mark 100 years since the ‘Democratic Programme’ written by Labour Party leader Tom Johnson, was adopted by the first sitting of Dáil Éireann in January 1919. The Democratic Programme was a visionary document for Ireland at the time, but the Ireland it envisaged was never fully realised. We think the time is right to reimagine it for Ireland’s second century.
As part of this initiative, the Labour Party are hosting a series of round table discussions across Ireland with representatives of all sectors of Irish society.
Our next round table event will take place on Friday, the 18th of May, 10.30am to 12pm in The Meyrick Hotel, Eyre Square, Galway, chaired by the Labour Party’s National Policy Coordinator, Councillor Alex White.
If you wish to attend, please RSVP by lunchtime on Monday, the 14th of May to Evanna Craig, via her email address: Evanna.Craig@labour.ie
If you would like any further details of the project you can find more details via the event page here: www.labour.ie/anewrepublic
- Russo-British Chamber of Commerce Business Forum – 5 June 2018
The Russo-British Chamber of Commerce Business Forum on Tuesday 5 June 2018 at BMA House, London. The event is one of the largest in the Russo-British business calendar, with high profile guests from the wider RBCC network and beyond.
The theme of this year’s Forum is “Forging the Future: Opportunities for Innovation in Russo-British Business” and we aim to tackle such topics as cybersecurity, sustainability, startup culture, supporting SMEs and education, as we look to the future landscape of business between our two countries. Confirmed speakers include Adam Maskatiya, General Manager, Kaspersky Lab UK & Ireland; Alex Barnes, Government Relations Advisor, Nord Stream 2 AG; Maxim Romanov, Director of International Relations, Skolkovo Foundation; Bob Murphy, Powertrain Operations Manager for Russia, Ford Motor Company; Yulia Druzhnikova, Director of International Projects, RVC; and others.
Also in attendance at the event will be the Telegraph Media Group’s Economics Commentator Liam Halligan who will be providing an overview of his forecasts for Russia’s economic future and his own experience working in the country both in journalism and consulting.
If you are interested in attending this event, please follow the agenda link below to contact Ellie Davis to facilitate the purchase of a ticket to the event, as well as to avail of a discounted ticket rate, as well as a discount for one of the member hotel groups in London.
Click here to access the event agenda to this Business Forum.
- Department of Business, Enterprise & Innovation – Brexit Preparedness Notices
Efforts are currently underway to ensure that an agreement is reached to ensure the withdrawal of the UK from the EU occurs with minimum disruption and to put in place a framework for a future relationship which will enable the closest possible EU-UK relationship post Brexit.
However, the UK’s notification of its intention to withdraw from the EU has created significant uncertainties. The European Commission has therefore sought to clarify what the situation will be for a number of business sectors in the event that no agreement is reached to mitigate the impacts of the UK’s withdrawal.
Notices have been issued in respect of industrial products, company law, trademarks, auditing and import and export licenses as well as a range of other areas. A list of the notices published to date are available to view on the Commission’s website at the following link: European Commission Brexit Preparedness
The Department of Business, Enterprise & Innovation (DBEI) is encouraging firms to review these notices and consider relevant actions that may be required to mitigate any potential negative impacts that may arise for them in terms of Brexit.
If you have any queries regarding these Brexit Preparedness Notices or the industrial sector which your business operates in, with regards to preparing for Brexit, please contact our EU & International Affairs Manager Emma Kerins, via her email address: Emma.Kerins@chambers.ie
- Peninsula: The 2017 Data Protection Commission Report – Key Takeaways for Employers
Peninsula, the professional services provider for businesses, has provided an overview of the results from the 2017 Data Protection Commission report and the key takeaways for employers.
2017 saw the largest number of complaints of data breaches ever received by the DPC. There were 2,642 complaints recorded in 2017, compared to 1,479 in the previous year. The DPC believes that the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) should be seen as an opportunity, and not a burden, and want to work with organisations to provide them with clear, high quality and timely guidance.