Resources in place to support contact by phone, email, website, social media and by post
The situation in relation to Covid-19 is evolving on a continual basis and it is likely to be several weeks or more before we see the peak for the virus and its abatement. In this difficult phase of the health crisis, we would like to point out that the provision of essential public services to the people of County Wexford will continue and that all measures necessary to maintain Wexford County Council’s critical operations have been put in place.
It is prudent of course that we seek to minimise risk of infection for everyone at this time and with this in mind, Wexford County Council has taken the decision to close all offices of the Council to the public with immediate effect. For the foreseeable future, public visits to our offices will only be accommodated in cases of absolute necessity and in these limited cases an appointment must be arranged beforehand.
Though our offices will be closed to public access, the public can be assured that all our services will continue to operate and public contact with the Council can continue to be made using any of our wide variety of contact methods:
- Telephone 053 91 96000 (Office Hours 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday)
- 1890 666 777 (Out of Hours – Emergencies Only)
- Email customerservice@wexfordcoco.ie
- By post County Hall, Wexford Y35 WY93
- Twitter @wexfordcoco
- Website www.wexfordcoco.ie
The Council is in the fortunate position that many of our key operations are designed to operate remotely and our staff, who have trained for such eventuality can work remotely to manage and maintain these services. We also have excellent access to teleconferencing facilities and we can if necessary hold on-line meetings, thus keeping face-to-face interactions to a minimum.
Wexford County Council wishes to thank the public for its on-going patience, understanding and support as together we deal with this on-going situation. As always in such times of challenge, members of the public must play their part in the overall response and in this regard, the on-going advice of the HSE, particularly in relation to personal hygiene, social distancing, reporting of symptoms etc. should continue to be followed.
You are also reminded that while many visitor attractions and facilities are temporarily closed, County Wexford has an extensive array of other recreational amenities including beaches, parks, open spaces, urban footpaths etc. which are all freely available to enjoy.
Stay tuned to local radio, see local press, check our website, use MapAlerter and follow us on Twitter for regular updates. For advice on Covid-19 please CLICK HERE