During a recent visit to Brussels in November, Chamber colleagues met with the head of civic engagement in DG Trade, Adeline Hinderer. As part of her work, they aim to profile the benefits of trade agreements and the EU’s trade agenda to business across the EU. As part of these efforts, they published “exporter’s stories” on their website. However, it was noted that there was an absence of any Irish exporter’s stories. Therefore, we are seeking your assistance in gathering “testimonials” from Irish businesses who export. We will then send these testimonials to our colleagues in the European Commission for future publication.
We want to hear from any Irish business who has
- exported and benefited from an existing trade agreement. For example, CETA (EU-Canada), Turkey, South Korea etc
- plans to export and benefit from a future trade agreement that is currently being negotiated by the EU- Japan, Mercosur (South America), Vietnam etc
There is a short questionnaire here that we would like exporting companies who have benefited (or plan to benefit) from the trade deal the EU has negotiated.
Please return these surveys to emma.kerins@chambers.ie before the 28 Feb 2018.