The Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment has shared with us the latest updates from EU GPP/GPP4Growth, the EU Green Public Procurement project, for April 2018. These include:
- The most recent EU GPP newsletter, which you can access by clicking here
- The 4th GPP4Growth newsletter from December 2018, which is attached to this email
- A new questionnaire to inform the development of a Guidance Document for the EU GPP criteria for Textile Products and Services, for your organisation as well as your contacts to complete, with an overview of the questionnaire attached– to access the questionnaire, click here
- Life Cycle Costing – GPP4Growth has been asked to test some Life Cycle Costing (LCC) tools, which requires the help of people with electrical equipment or vehicle procurement experience – if interested, please contact Dr Irene Cadogan directly via her contact details below
- Case Studies – GPP4Growth are looking for Irish examples of GPP in practice for the next EU GPP Advisory meeting – if you are interested to share experiences in this area, please contact Dr. Irene Cadogan directly via her contact details below
For further information on EU GPP/GPP4Growth, please contact Dr Irene Cadogan of the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment via her email Irene.Cadoan@dccae.gov.ie or by calling +353 (0)1 678 2570.