Hilary Connor Business & Personal Development Coaching

Founded in 2018, Hilary Connor Business & Personal Development Coaching is an award-winning coaching service that has gone from strength to strength. Hilary partners with organizations seeking to develop an ethos of positive psychology throughout the workplace. With a specialist interest in optimizing workplace wellbeing through mindfulness-based programs, Hilary works predominantly with leaders, senior managers, and high performers, facilitating one-to-one coaching and group training programs resourcing clients on their intuitive ability to increase performance while managing stress and building resilience. Her clients include the pharmaceutical, insurance, hospitality and education sectors.

Embracing the awareness that no two organizations are the same, Hilary tailors her programs to your organization’s specific needs, goals, and values to ensure outcomes are discovered beyond expectation. Taking a strengths-focused approach to performance, learning, and potential, she aims to help you deepen and develop an awareness of practical and progressive ways to ensure each individual accomplishes their best while fostering positive relationships within the organization.

Connection and relationships are at the epicentre of Hilary’s approach. She believes that certain fundamentals need to be present and nurtured within both the individual and the organization as a whole to ensure a deeper sense of connection to ourselves and our environment. These fundamentals source from psychology professor Martin Seligman’s PERMA model.

  1. Positive Emotion – When we feel better, we perform better. Hilary’s strengths-focused approach helps you and your organization develop deeper and more felt positive emotions while increasing wellbeing and happiness in the workplace.
  2. Engagement – We all need times when we are engrossed in a task and time disappears. Doing so inspires creativity and increases our problem-solving abilities. Hilary applies her active listening skills and intuitive awareness to see beyond the parameters of your attention, helping you discover the freshness derived from engagement.
  3. Relationships – Positive and supportive relationships fuel wellbeing and increase loyalty and performance. Hilary helps you develop and foster a community of trust and support among your teams to deepen connection, safety, and strength through healthy relationships.
  4. Meaning – Happiness in work goes far beyond financial wellbeing. Finding a sense of purpose in our roles deepens engagement and commitment while realizing a new level of excellence. Hilary works with you and your teams to discover what they value and how they can apply these values to the organization to develop the growth and potential of the individual and collective.
  5. Accomplishment – A culture of recognizing and acknowledging accomplishment builds confidence and efficacy while encouraging us to look towards what else we can achieve. Furthermore, acknowledging a felt sense of achievement fosters strength and self-belief. Hilary helps your organization own past and present accomplishments to sustain courage and confidence through challenges and instil efficacy within uncertainty, effectively supporting your organization’s growth through change.

Furthermore, Hilary’s mindfulness-based approach helps organizations build and develop a workplace wellbeing ethos. She also facilitates the “Working with Wellbeing Program,” which aims to build resilience in the workplace. The program is adapted from Jon-Kabat Zinn’s MBSR/MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program/Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy), a globally successful eight-week mindfulness program taught in hospitals, schools, organizations, and health care centres worldwide. Therefore, her approach blends evidence-based positive psychology and mindfulness to develop potential and increase performance.

She is currently studying an MSc in Mindfulness-based Wellbeing and holds an HDip in Coaching Psychology (level 8) and an Advanced Diploma in Coaching with Neuroscience.

Hilary is an author and avid writer on mental and emotional wellbeing and posts regularly across health & wellness platforms, social media, and her website.

To discuss how Hilary can help your senior managers and leaders develop an ethos of positive psychology throughout your workplace, contact info@hilaryconnor.com or call 0868494646.

Website: www.hilaryconnor.com

Tel: (353) 0868494646

Email: info@hilaryconnor.com