Aid must be urgently given to areas affected by flooding and a plan put in place to avoid the same problems in the future.
Martin Doyle, President of Wexford Chamber, said “It is vital that aid reaches businesses and local communities affected by these floods as quickly as possible. While businesses have been making progress towards recovery, all of this good work can be wiped out instantly due to flooding and those businesses in affected areas need urgent access to aid to combat closures and flood damage.”
“The worrying thing about the current level of damage across the country is that much of it may well have been avoided had proper flood prevention plans been put in place. While surveys and planning have been ongoing for a number of years, now is the time to focus on execution of these plans. There must be a joined up effort from the OPW, wider Central Government and Local Authorities to build resilience and ensure that this level of chaos is avoided in the future,” he concluded.