Acquired Brain Injury Ireland were delighted to host staff from Wexford Chamber at their Wexford clubhouse recently. Nobody ever thinks a brain injury will happen to them – yet it happens to 35 people in this country every day.
Every year in Ireland an estimated 13,000 people acquire a brain injury resulting in life-altering, dramatic change. These injuries happen suddenly and are often traumatic, caused by road traffic accidents, stroke, assaults, falls, concussion and viral infections like meningitis.
Early access to personalised community rehabilitation services like Acquired Brain Injury Ireland’s is vital to ensure brain injury survivors can start to rebuild their functional, behavioural or cognitive skills at home after they leave hospital.
The extra support Acquired Brain Injury Ireland receive from the people of Wexford, can really make their service a ‘home from home’ for brain injury survivors while they are with Acquired Brain Injury Ireland in Wexford and help them expand their services to more families. If you or your business would like to work closer with Acquired Brain Injury Ireland, don’t hesitate to contact Jonathan Power at Jpower@abiireland.ie or 086 14 555 26. For more information visit www.abiireland.ie
Together, we can help more people get back to living their life again.