Wexford G.A.A. Supporters Club
(Dublin Branch)
5th November 2013
Dear Chamber members,
I am contacting you on behalf of the Wexford GAA Supporters Club (Dublin branch) to tell you about the upcoming ‘Purple & Gold Ball’ which takes place in Dublin on the 23rd of November.
We’re all well aware of the importance to Ireland of the Diaspora and the potential mutually positive impact that an increased level of engagement has to offer us. Events like the ‘Gathering’ and the government’s Global Economic Forum are designed to do just this.
Looking closer to home, the Wexford GAA Supporters club (Dublin Branch) believe that we can apply this model to the relationship between Wexford and its Dublin based exiles. Now as the economy is beginning to show signs of recovery, we plan to help activate and energise networks and connections between Dublin and Wexford. We want to encourage Wexford people to open doors for one another, to look for opportunities to do business and consider investing in the county.
All Wexford people know the potential that exists in the county and feel pride in the beauty of the landscape, the warmth of the people, the high standard of living on offer and of course the thrill we get watching the Purple & Gold in action in Croke Park . However, despite all these undoubted strengths Wexford’s economy is underperforming. We believe that by encouraging Wexford people in Dublin to holiday in the county, to consider shopping in the county, buy their next new car, their next new suit, that by doing so we can boost business and enable job creation.
Of course you may be asking why the Wexford GAA supporters club are interested in encouraging economic development in Wexford. The simple answer is that we love Wexford and want to help in any way we can. We also firmly believe that confidence, pride of place and community is central to a turn around and that the GAA is the perfect vehicle to deliver this.
Hurling in particular, is intrinsically linked to our identity; it has provided us with many of our most cherished collective memories, the highs of ’96, the excitement of Rory McCarthy’s 2003 equalizing goal in 2003 and the exhilaration when Mick Jacob scored to beat Kilkenny in 2004.
The core objective of the Wexford Supporters Club is assisting in some small way, to the return of Wexford to the top table of Gaelic Games; to bring that winning feeling, that sense of pride, that collective joy back. In doing so we believe we can help lift all boats in the county, energising our young people, renewing their pride, passion and unleashing this to the benefit of the entire county.
To promote all of this the Wexford GAA Supporters Club is organising an important event, the inaugural ‘Purple & Gold Ball’ which will hopefully be the first of many and be a catalyst for growth and development, on the field of play and off it.
The ball will take place on Saturday 23rd of November in, what is often called the Wexford embassy in Dublin, the Pettitt’s owned Stillorgan Park Hotel. Invited guests include Minister Brendan Howlin, Mayor of Wexford George Lawlor, Liam Griffin, Wexford GAA Chairman Diarmuid Deveraux, county hurling manager Liam Dunne and football manager Aidan O’Brien and champion horse trainer Jim Bolger.
Tickets are priced at €50 (€35 for students) and tables of varying size can be arranged for groups. A number of rooms are still available in the hotel for guests but are booking up fast.
We would invite your support and encourage your attendance for what promises to be a memorable night where Wexford people will show their pride and support the great work that is going on in Wexford GAA to transform our fortunes. We already have a number of clubs, businesses and others taking tables.
Your attendance will help support the exciting new ‘Hurling 365’ club/school initiative, the new Wexford Combined Colleges Hurling team and much more.
Also if you’d like to sponsor a spot prize or find out more about the work of the Dublin branch of the supporters club we’d love to hear from you.
Thank you for your time and I hope to see you in the 23rd of November.
Yours sincerely,
Joe Carroll
Wexford GAA Supporters Club (Dublin branch)
Phone: +353-53-9144808
Fax: +353-53-9144806
Email: wexfordgaa@eircom.net